The Psychology Behind Pomodoro Technique

The Psychology Behind Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique was developed during the 80s by Francesco Cirillo. It is a productivity technique using a timer to break down work intervals by 25 minutes with short breaks in between. The Pomodoro technique is efficient in helping an individual achieve more in minimal time. 

With the remote workforce becoming the new norm, working alone at home can be quite challenging. Productivity can significantly decrease if the mindset is not set in the right tone. With the Pomodoro technique, the mind can retain focus while being able to have the time to relax and gather ideas briefly. 

The Science of Pomodoro Technique

Cognitive boredom is one challenge one must overcome to be productive. Given that most of the time, the mind wanders. Thus, it makes it harder to finish an assignment. With the Pomodoro technique, short breaks are essential to keep you focused within the 25-minute allotted time for production. 

Why Short Breaks Are Effective?

  • Short breaks help attention span on the right track due to the fact that the mind can tune out after working tirelessly and consistently on one single task. 
  • Working for long hours in a day without breaks can cause cognitive boredom. Hence, your mind will tend to explore despite your persistent effort to focus. If you are too weary and exhausted, will dismantle your mind from your assignment. 
  • Sitting and working on your computer all day will likely diminish your ability to retain attention. Given the fact that sedentary routine bored the brain, short breaks with physical movement will shift your brain into a more focused state. 

Why Work-Break Pattern Is A Good Motivation?

Long hours of studying or working can engulf your mental energy. But, if you include short breaks in between like coffee breaks, brief stretching, or just a mere brain break will prevent stress and mental overload. 

While its hard to deal with a distracted brain especially in this era where countless attention-grabbing activities can drift off your focus, a short break in between your work can help shape and condition your brain to drive complete focus after. Also, following your own rule of using your phone only during breaks will drive a brain to resist it during your working time. 

Pomodoro Technique, A Fuel To Your Decisiveness

Frequently having to make a decision can disrupt your rationality and motivation. Constantly making a decision will settle your brain in making the easiest decision without thoroughly scrutinising other possibilities. Hence, short breaks are essential in revamping your brain’s energy to impose a better decision-making process. 

No More Time Management Stress

The simple rule of the Pomodoro technique of taking breaks in between work will resolve your time management predicament. Time can induce stress by measuring it. Constantly tracking the time can impose the idea that you are going to be late. Thus, overthinking will dominate your mindset and keep you from doing what you are supposed to finish.

Why The Pomodoro Technique Discourage Multi-tasking Habits?

The Pomodoro technique was created to limit distractions. Multi-tasking is one aspect that triggers distraction. Scientifically speaking, if you switch from one task to another, it will take roughly 23 minutes to refocus your brain. Hence, that’s 23 minutes of supposed productivity wasted. Hence, the slower your production will be while leaving all your tasks unfinished. 

If you are eager to try this technique, here’s a timer that will get you started:

The Pomodoro technique works for any kind of task or job. Although short breaks seem like a luxury in a fast-paced environment, ironically, it stimulates the brain in contrast to working four hours straight. The Pomodoro technique delivers focus, better decision-making, eradicates distractions and promotes productivity.